Access Webb, S. S., & Demeyere, N. (2024). Comparing the Oxford Digital Multiple Errands Test (OxMET) to a real-life version: convergence, feasibility, and acceptability. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, DOI pending.


Access A. P., P., Venkateswaran, P., Vijayanand, S., Webb, S. S., Ramkumar, S., C. R., S. and Demeyere, N. (2023). The cultural and linguistic adaptation of the Oxford Cognitive Screen to Tamil. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society. 2023;29(10):964-971.DOI:10.1017/S135561772300067X

Access Webb, S. S., & Demeyere, N. (2023). Predictive validity of the Oxford Digital Multiple Errands Test (OxMET) for functional outcomes after stroke. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, DOI:10.1080/09602011.2023.2247152

Access Webb, S. S, Carrick, C, Kusec, A, & Demeyere, N. (2023). Introducing the Tele-OCS: A validated remotely administered version of The Oxford Cognitive Screen [version 1; peer review: 2 approved with reservations]. Health Open Res 2023, 5:8, DOI: 10.12688/healthopenres.13291.1


PDF Webb, S. S., & Demeyere, N. (2023). Using multiverse analysis to highlight differences in convergent correlation outcomes due to data analytical and study design choices. Assessment,Assessment, 30(6), 1825-1835. DOI:10.1177/10731911221127904

PDF \(*\)Sanctuary, C., \(*\)Hewitt, L., Demeyere, N., Kankkunen, K., Oxenham, V. D., Simpson, D. B., Stolwyk, R. J., Synn, A., Webb, S.S., Marsden, D. L. (2022). The Oxford Cognitive Screen for use with Australian people after stroke (OCS-AU): The adaptation process, and determining cut scores for cognitive impairment using a cross-sectional normative study. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal. DOI:10.1177/10731911221127904.

PDF Webb S. S, Hobden G, Roberts R, Chiu EG, King S, Demeyere N. (2022) Validation of the UK English Oxford cognitive screen-plus in sub-acute and chronic stroke survivors. European Stroke Journal. DOI: 10.1177/23969873221119940

PDF Webb, S.S., Burns, S.P., Jespersen, A., & Demeyere, N. (2022). Cultural Adaptation Of The Oxford Digital Multiple Errands Test (OxMET) For An English Speaking North American Population. 2022 RESNA Virtual Conference: Driving the Future of Assistive Technology, USA, URL: https://www.resna.org/sites/default/files/conference/2022/AgingCognitiveSensory/77_Webb.html

PDF Burns, S. P., Fleming, T. K., Webb, S.S., Kam, A. S. H., Fielder, J. D., Kim, G. J., … & Kringle, E. A. (2022). Stroke Recovery During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Position Paper on Recommendations for Rehabilitation. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, DOI: 10.1016/j.apmr.2022.04.004


PDF Webb, S.S., Moore, M., Yamshchikova, A., Kozik, V., Duta, M., Voiculescu, I., & Demeyere, N (2021) Validation of an Automated Scoring Program for a digital Complex Figure Copy Task within healthy ageing and stroke, Neuropsychology, DOI: 10.1037/neu0000748

PDF Webb, S.S.., Kontou, E., & Demeyere, N. (2021) The COVID-19 pandemic altered the modality, but not the frequency, of formal cognitive assessment, Disability and Rehabilitation, DOI: 10.1080/09638288.2021.1963855

PDF Webb, S.S., Jespersen, A.,Chiu, E. G., Payne, F., Basting, R., Duta, M. D., & Demeyere, N. (2021) The Oxford digital multiple errands test (OxMET): Validation of a simplified computer tablet based multiple errands test, Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, DOI: 10.1080/09602011.2020.1862679

PDF Demeyere, N., Haupt, M., Webb, S.S. et al. Introducing the tablet-based Oxford Cognitive Screen-Plus (OCS-Plus) as an assessment tool for subtle cognitive impairments. Scientific Reports, 11, 8000 (2021). DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-87287-8